is easy for tourists in Vietnam travel to find snail eateries as they
are everywhere in Saigon. It’s a favorite snack for both young and
elderly Saigonese.
when you visit saigon, you can find a special snail which looks like
nail so people call them are oc mong tay (nail snail) . 

Saigon has so many dishes made of mollusk and crustacean species that people call them simply oc (snail). And now oc is part of Saigonese life.
It is easy for tourists in Vietnam travel find snail eateries as they are everywhere in Saigon, from downtown to outlying areas, from big restaurants in main streets to small bistros off alleys or along the city’s many canals. Don’t think for a minute snail dishes are only for beer drinkers, as it is a favorite snack for both young and elderly Saigonese, from students to executive and clerical officers, from cyclo drivers to glamorous celebrities. If you are in Vietnam travel, shouldn’t forget to enjoy this delicious food
Snail eateries often open from late afternoon to midnight. When students finish classes or workers gather to eat and make some jokes with friends before they head home. Middle-aged men with drinking companions enjoy idle talk while women come to satisfy their eating pleasure and gossip with their buddies. Also, celebrities come to sample something from home instead of signature Western foods in luxury restaurants.
People call them snail restaurants but they serve many kinds of dishes to meet diverse options of diners. From many kinds of snails such as oc buou (middle-sized snail), oc huong (sweet snail), finger snail or oc mo (fat snail), diners can also enjoy clams, oysters, shrimps, crab and duck embryos. They are often made with lemon grass, lemon leaves, tamarind and garlic - boiled, grilled or steam fried to balance the flavor of the seafood and make them delicious.
In some snail stalls, revelers can also find other dishes made of pork, beef, rabbit, ostrich and many kinds of hotpots. Therefore, boiled oc buou with lemon leaves, fried oc mo with tamarind, grilled oyster with onion fat, steamed oc len with coconut juice, steamed clam with lemon grass, snail salad, fried crab or shrimp with chili salt, grilled chicken wings, legs or fried rau muong (water spinach) with garlic, seafood fried rice and fish or beef hotpot are some popular dishes for oc lovers.
The price depends on location and season. But the dishes often cost from VND30,000 to VND100,000 a dish.
Like other types of snails, oc mong tay (nail snail) is considered good for your health, so choosing oc mong tay fried with garlic is a rare treat.Each snail is six to ten centimeters long, with brown/yellow shells and milky meat inside; they live along coastlines or around islands and live on ephemeras.
To make the dish, you need to wash the snails first, put them into hot water briefly and take the snail meat out of the shells. After that, you slice garlic into two or three pieces and add them into the snail meat with pepper, chili and fish sauce in line with your taste.
Oc mong tay fried with garlic can be served with boiled rice or rice paper plus fish sauce mixed with chili and lemon juice. Sweet snail meat and the smell of fried garlic along with the sauce will make the dish unforgettable.
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