JD T3 Framework 2 Features:
1. Powerful & Easy Administration
All our Drupal themes are built with JDT3 Framework. The JDT3 inside smooth the themes develoment for developer, easy customization with unlimited templatevariations.
2. Cross Browser Compability
Well render in a multitude of browsers, from popular Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer to little known Konqueror etc., using practical techniques for crossbrowser CSS development.
Mobile Ready
Mobile Ready
3. Mobile Ready
Whether it’d be smartphones, iPhones or an iPad, the theme auto detects screen-sizes and adjusts page elements and layout to fit respectively.
4. Themes & Layouts Combo
Ships multiple layouts feature. Flexibly override themes or add custom design variants for logo, color sets… via ajax-based administration interface.
5. Multi (4) Menu Option
Simple 4 or mass 100 menus navigation system – SplitMenu, CSS Menu, Dropline Menu, Mega Menu will do the job. You can have any content type for menu item with dozen of configurable parameters.
Flexible Blocks & Regions
Flexible Blocks & Regions
6. Flexible Blocks & Regions
All blocks have default style, order and positioning. Other layouts may override these block settings, without having to use the entire code of the default layout to generate the layout design.
7. Additional Typography
It shows a list of universally available, fundamental CSS properties upon which great typography can be constructed to work across different browsers, screen sizes.
8. Caches & CSS/JS Compress
All core CSS & JS files are minified & merged into 1 single file, reducing up to 70% of http requests. It help saving $$$ on the hosting bill and most of all, loading times for your visitor.
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