Saturday, July 7, 2012

Want to make your own homemade orange juice

Want to make your own homemade orange juice? With plenty of types of fruit and citrus juicers to choose from, there are more options than you could imagine. Some make you squeeze; some do the work for you. It's your choice.
There is nothing as refreshing as freshly squeezed orange juice. It takes longer, and uses many oranges to make even one glass, but the taste is worth the effort and the wait. Try making it yourself and you will never want to go back to drinking bottled juice.


1Tightly squeeze or roll the orange with the palm of your hand across the table to soften them.


Roll the oranges or squeeze them in the palm of your hand. By doing this, you will get the juices moving around and the orange will give more juice. Next, cut the oranges in halves. For most types of juicers, you will put half of the orange on a dull blade and move it around to extract the juice

2. Cut The orange in half pieces and remove the seeds.

3. Grip the one half of the orange tightly and squeeze it by hand, using a plain juicer to get the juice out
Put a mechanical juicer on top of a glass and turn it on to get the juice out for a more mechanized option. Some juicers let you press your orange half onto a rotating spindle, and the juice drains into a receptacle from there. Mechanical juicers take almost all of the work out of making your own orange juice. The plus is that the mechanical juicers are still compact and fairly cheap.  It is best to use an electric orange juicer, as you will get much more juice from the orange and into the glass.

4. Scrape the orange with a spoon and add fruit directly to juice if you use a hand juicer for more pulp. If you prefer clear juice, pour the juice through a strainer before drinking

5. Drink and enjoy a cold glass of freshly squeezed orange juice

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